by admin | Dec 30, 2021 | Animism, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Ecomythic, Meditation & Mindfulness, Myth, Nature, Retreat, Ritual, Sacred
If i were to wish for one thing from a new year, a fresh start, it would be to become more grounded in reality, more capable of remaining aware of my breath as i move through life, more awake to the life of the world as it flows. To do that, i want to start by...
by admin | Sep 14, 2020 | Animism, Archetypes, Biodiversity, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Ecopoetics, Ecosystem, Elemental, Meditation & Mindfulness, Myth, Nature, Sacred
It was really refreshing to have a conversation with my mate, Dr Thomas Bristow, an expert in ecopoetics, and Senior Editor of the journal i am also an editor for, PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature. Tom wanted to chat about what the Romantic poets – Blake, Yeats,...
by admin | Apr 2, 2019 | Archetypes, Blog, Deep Connection, Ecosystem, Elemental, Meditation & Mindfulness, Myth, Nature, Ritual
I’ve always felt that the world is alive and aware of us. It’s almost as if, as a child, i could feel intelligence in the sand, on the breeze, soaking the earth with rain and pushing up out of the soil as plant life. Thankfully, i’ve never outgrown...
by admin | Sep 27, 2018 | Blog, Deep Connection, Meditation & Mindfulness, Nature
We can’t all live in a green oasis – modern life separates us from our innate connection to nature all the time! So, what are the best ways to make sure we feel connected to nature every day? When we spend time somewhere we love, it’s relatively easy...