by admin | Sep 14, 2020 | Animism, Archetypes, Biodiversity, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Ecopoetics, Ecosystem, Elemental, Meditation & Mindfulness, Myth, Nature, Sacred
It was really refreshing to have a conversation with my mate, Dr Thomas Bristow, an expert in ecopoetics, and Senior Editor of the journal i am also an editor for, PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature. Tom wanted to chat about what the Romantic poets – Blake, Yeats,...
by admin | Mar 29, 2018 | Archetypes, Blog, Myth, Nature
What are the shapes and spirits, the dreaming creatures and elemental characters that appear to us when we turn to the natural world and ask for its teaching? We can look to the mythologies of traditional cultures to get a big picture story of some of the things we...