by admin | Sep 14, 2020 | Animism, Archetypes, Biodiversity, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Ecopoetics, Ecosystem, Elemental, Meditation & Mindfulness, Myth, Nature, Sacred
It was really refreshing to have a conversation with my mate, Dr Thomas Bristow, an expert in ecopoetics, and Senior Editor of the journal i am also an editor for, PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature. Tom wanted to chat about what the Romantic poets – Blake, Yeats,...
by admin | Nov 27, 2017 | Myth
A myth, in common usage, has come to mean simply a falsehood. A fairy story that can’t be true, a lie perpetrated on a gullible crowd, snake oil for the masses. But the reason we came to think of a myth like this is because it originally meant a powerful...