Your breath is the bellows
Breathe down and in and set fire to the body (in the nicest possible way).
Your bodymind is the raw material.
Bring it to light.
The earth is the forge and the crucible.
Don’t let it get too hot.
The Gold is within you, just as it is within all things. Let yourself glow with the knowledge that you are alive, right now, regardless of all other things.

Gnosis – Know Thyself; practice Deep Listening to all
Let that flow through you and find a way to be loyal to the body of the earth as well as to the endless mystery, your other home, beyond.
Do we refine Lead, in an attempt to purify the physical world? Is that how we make Gold?
Do we pass through the other states, growing with power with each encounter?
Or do we awaken to what is already real, just beneath awareness, but within easy reach?
We work though the classic metallic states, to integrate each of them into the Golden Mean.

Lead, ruled by Saturn: cold, heavy, dense, dull; the ruler of the dark, prime matter.
Tin, ruled by Jupiter: the breath of life and stronger combined with another.
Iron, ruled by Mars: physical strength, the need to temper primal urges while embracing the fire within.
Copper, ruled by Venus: associated with the goddess Aphrodite/Venus and its lustrous beauty; love, balance, feminine beauty and artistic creativity.
Mercury, ruled by Mercury: receptivity, open-mindedness, new ideas and intelligence.
Silver, ruled by the Moon: intuition, inner wisdom, artistic expression and contemplation.
And we get … Gold, ruled by the Sun: incorruptible higher self, perfection in all matter and in mind and spirit; the highest value.
While we’re at it, we expand beyond the metals to the other elements, making all the aspects, qualities, animals and plants of the earth part of the Golden vision. We see the Gold in everything; clouds, waters, land, life. We appreciate that Gold is made of many elements, that it arises interdependently with other elements. We embrace every aspect of ourselves.

The dark matter, out of which your body is made, is breathed into life. The fire within helps us see the beauty and love. With open-mindedness and intelligence we enjoy reflection, intuition and contemplation. We become the higher self, as well as the deepest.
This is Alchemy, 2021.
- Join Dr Geoff Berry in a new online course, bringing together over 30 years of groundbreaking research and practice to present Alchemy: Tapping the Gold Within
- To apply, please send an email outlining your interest and aims to:
- The course covers the seven classical levels of Alchemy, from the primal material/Lead (Saturn) to the ultimate vision/Gold (The Sun)
- Gods and Goddesses of the planets, spirits of the earth and other mythical creatures, guides, guardians & teachers will be in attendance
- The course includes all classes, practical exercises, guided meditations, input from your personal reflections, and feedback from Geoff at every level.
- Costs cover all materials and feedback from Geoff at each stage.