How do you feel in your body? Do you enjoy it? How does the way you move relate to the way your mind works? There’s no separation. Just as the universe is consciousness made manifest in physical reality – at least one kind of physical reality, which in itself is already insanely complex and diverse, let alone all the other possible dimensions lurking about within this one, or through intergalactic wormholes, or on the other side of a black hole, or laughing at everything from within black matter … so our bodies are consciousness, as countless messages sent from our pores, our internal organs, our senses and subtle perceptions. Our bodies make up consciousness, our minds feed off the physical sensations as well as the hopes and dreams within and all the infinite possibilities everywhere; but our minds can also roam endlessly, beyond physical limit and mortal frame.
Might as well enjoy it, hey? Walking should be a supreme pleasure. Being a self-aware primate, with the infinite potential of human consciousness – what an opportunity! Yet we too often allow the forces of socialisation to limit us. I’m an Aussie male, which means i have been entrained to keep myself pretty rigid; don’t dance with the hips (that’s ok for Latinos but not us) and definitely don’t walk with a rolling gait, as if you really enjoy it. Too gay! But I’m here to challenge the status quo, question the dominant paradigm, give it to the man (ooh that might be too close to the bone – ouch I’ve done it again!) … I’m here to Give It Some Mince! “Let the way that you move celebrate your life on Earth,” say I.
Now you all know what I’m talking about: walking. Walking like you mean it. Mince in Aussie slang is a kind of homophobic insult; it means waltzing about like a fancy pansy, probably with a limp wrist … but what if it feels good? When you get into your primate body and move about as if you mean it, you might find yourself using some muscles and moves that feel right, yet look … different. But if you are going to be true to what you are – “consciously evolving stardust, rising up out of the earth” – then you need to “front up in your body”, beyond socialised fears and tensions, so that we can “get a sense of our embodiment, as a part of the self-aware universe.” Coz “we’re living in an unrepeatable moment right now. Right Now!”
Hope you enjoy it. Please Like, Comment, and SHARE with everyone!

Give it some mince
Walk that talk
Put some bounce into the way that you cross that floor
Yeah give it some mince
Feel your way into your body and let’s explore
Give it some mince
Pump that walk, yeah
Let the way that you move celebrate your life on earth …
And give it some mince
Front up in your body, yeah
Give it some mince
Walk that talk
Get some pep into the way that you cross that floor
Yeah give it some mince
Sense the way that your body opens out through your pores
And give it some mince
Pump that walk, yeah
Let the way that you move celebrate your life on earth …
And give it some mince
Front up in your body, yeah
Consciously evolving stardust
Rising up out of the earth
Get a sense of your embodiment
As a part of the self-aware universe
And give it some mince!
Front up in your body, yeah
We’re living in an unrepeatable moment, right now
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