by admin | Apr 20, 2020 | Animism, Archetypes, Biodiversity, Blog, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Ecosystem, Elemental, Myth, Nature, Ritual, Sacred
It’s like every conversation has to be about Covid-19, which in this digital age means the viral has gone viral. So what’s the ecomythic angle? What would we hear if we heard Nature Calling, if we tuned into the stories that are arising out of the earth, communicating...
by admin | Jan 8, 2020 | Animism, Archetypes, Biodiversity, Climate Science, Community, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Ecosystem, Evolution, Meditation & Mindfulness, Myth, Nature, Ritual, Sacred
When i started the Nature Calling project, it was meant to support us to do more ‘deep listening’ – to wind down our minds from the hustle bustle and to check in with the ancestral wisdom that arises in our psyche and in our bodies, which speaks of...
by admin | Aug 15, 2019 | Biodiversity, Blog, Climate Science, Community, Ecosystem, Environmental Activism, Nature
Here is a letter that is less than 1 page long and is designed to gather support for the Global Climate Strike on Friday 20th of September. Please feel free to adapt, sign as your own, share widely and use to initiate a conversation in your workplace or with anyone....
by admin | Aug 8, 2019 | Biodiversity, Climate Science, Community, Consciousness, Environmental Activism
The School Strike for Climate started by climate action heroine Greta Thunberg has spread to the adult world (as predicted here in March). So now we can throw ourselves into support of the movement without worrying about whether or not we’re supposed to wait for...
by admin | Apr 23, 2019 | Animism, Biodiversity, Blog, Climate Science, Community, Deep Connection, Ecosystem, Elemental, Environmental Activism, Music & Art, Myth, Nature, Sacred
Animists like me believe the world is alive. It goes beyond an intellectual idea, but it’s more than just a feeling, too; many traditions from around the world recognise the possibility that consciousness flows through the universe, that intelligence is a property of...