by admin | Feb 24, 2021 | Community, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Meditation & Mindfulness, Music & Art, Myth, Nature, Retreat, Sacred *NB: Retreat SOLD OUT – stay tuned for the book! How can we learn to live in the light, more often, with better outcomes? Let’s start with the physical reality of being lit from within, with a loving glow, and then...
by admin | Apr 20, 2020 | Animism, Archetypes, Biodiversity, Blog, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Ecosystem, Elemental, Myth, Nature, Ritual, Sacred
It’s like every conversation has to be about Covid-19, which in this digital age means the viral has gone viral. So what’s the ecomythic angle? What would we hear if we heard Nature Calling, if we tuned into the stories that are arising out of the earth, communicating...
by admin | May 1, 2019 | Animism, Archetypes, Blog, Community, Consciousness, Deep Connection, Elemental, Environmental Activism, Evolution, Meditation & Mindfulness, Myth, Nature, Ritual, Sacred
We are born out of the eggs of our mother, inseminated by our father, awakened to our immediate environment. As Caterpillar, the next stage includes wandering about in small circles, munching on the leaves we were born on, following the wisdom of our immediate and...